Association Local Action Group Danube Delta (GAL DD) is a non-profit association, authorized by the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development within Measure 19 – Leader, National Program of Rural Development 2014 – 2020. GAL DD has operated since 2016. It is located in South-Eastern Romania (near Tulcea municipality), on Danube Delta area up to the Black Sea – including mostly rural communities, known for environmental heritage and cultural traditions of the ethnical groups. All communities on GAL DD territory border or are partially included within The Biosphere Reservation of Danube Delta (RBDD) – the largest remaining natural delta in Europe and one of the largest in the world, one of the most valuable habitats for specific delta wildlife and biodiversity. 

The main types of economic activities identified in GAL DD area are those related to tourism, commerce and subsistence agriculture, while the service sectors, craft activities and non-agricultural production are underdeveloped. Tourism sector needs to be developed as offering diversity and complementary services, with the condition of preserving the natural heritage (RBDD recognized as UNESCO area) and cultural resources of the rural communities.  A dual challenge for the sustainable development of the DD is the conservation of its ecological assets and improvement of the life quality of the residents.

Competencies of the Association have been gathered through different projects’ implementation, networking through LEADER and ELARD, participations within European platforms and seminars on rural development, writing strategies, sustainability assessments of DD territory. The areas in which GAL DD is involved are linked with different fields, such as protection of cultural and natural heritage, education, tourism and promoting local business, all based on the goals defined through local development strategy, together with communication and dissemination.