The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas was fοunded in March 2000, it is a legal entity governed by private law with non-profit status, supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI) of the Greek Ministry of Development. CERTH suggests one of the most important Research Centers in Greece with a main mission: The promotion of innovative research for the benefit of society. Dedicated to this purpose, CERTH lies at the forefront of basic, applied and technological research to provide solutions to society’s modern challenges.
Artificial intelligence, advanced robotic systems, the internet of things, Industry 4.0, clean energy, advanced materials, circular economy, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, precision medicine, holistic health-nutrition approach, precision agriculture and agro-robotics, are the primal fields around which CERTH’s five (5) institutes are organized.
Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute – CPERI, Information Technologies Institute – ITI, Hellenic Institute of Transport – HIT, Institute of Applied Biosciences – INAB, and Bio-economy and Agro-Technology Institute – IBO, bring together more than 1500 people (engineers and scientists in their majority), in 7 regions and 9 cities of Greece.
CERTH places a strong emphasis on innovation, which is demonstrated -among others- by establishing collaborations with the industry. The commercial exploitation of the mature, innovative, technological findings of CERTH, has led to the creation of 21 spin-off companies with significant economic activity, including the attraction of financing from investment funds.