CO “Kinburn” has been operating since 2018. The Organization mission: implementation of ecological, scientific, educational initiatives in the territory of the Mykolaiv region.

The Organization Aims:  satisfaction and protection of legitimate social, creative, economic, scientific, cultural interests of the Organization members.

CO “Kinburn” has successful experience in implementing grassroots initiatives for the development of rural regions in the Mykolaiv region. 

The implemented projects were aimed at the development of sustainable tourism and local business based on the sustainable use of the Northern Black Sea recreational and tourism potential. Developed eco-friendly startups that promote as tourist locations local cultural material and intangible heritage. A basis for tourist development of the Black Sea coast of the Mykolaiv region was created.

CO “Kinburn” for more than 5 years has been providing cooperation and successful communication with local authorities, businesses, experts and other interested parties on the territory of Ochakiv and Kutsurub territorial communities of the Mykolaiv region, and also serves as an important platform for coordinating local development in the spheres of economy, ecology, tourism, culture and democracy protection.