The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) represents more than 150 regional authorities from 24 countries across Europe and beyond. Organised in geographical commissions, the CPMR works to ensure that a balanced territorial development is at the heart of the European Union and its policies.

The CPMR is present in TOURAL’s region of interest through its Balkan & Black Sea and Intermediterranean Commissions, and has a dedicated Adriatic-Ionian Task Force focusing on the developments in the EUSAIR area.

The CPMR will be involved in the TOURAL Project through its Balkan & Black Sea Commission, supporting the policy work, communication, dissemination, and engagement activities throughout TOURAL’s duration. The CPMR will do so by merging its previous relevant experience on creative industries, sustainable tourism, and regional cooperation among others with the valuable input stemming from its Member Regions.
Furthermore, the CPMR, as the supporting organisation of the Cultural and Creative Regional Ecosystems (CCRE-S3) partnership under the S3 Community of Practice of the European Commission, will support the multi-stakeholder dialogue for new models of tourism twin transition paradigms that contribute to strategic investments to support the deployment and growth of the TOURAL pilot sites, as well as to outreaching the TOURAL objectives and expected outputs to an increasing number of regional audiences represented in CCRE-S3.